Mobilități stagii în țări UE
1. Proiect de parteneriat strategic Erasmus+ KA201 “WOW-HI” ”Walking our Way through HIstory”
Descriere: Proiectul nostru vizează dezvoltarea unor instrumente digitale și aplicații mobile pentru a îmbogăți activitățile didactice. Ne concentrăm pe cultivarea competențelor digitale și a spiritului civic în rândul elevilor. Scopul principal este să facilităm accesul elevilor la informații relevante despre personalități istorice, culturale și evenimente semnificative, contribuind astfel la diversificarea conținutului educațional.
Proiectul implică, de asemenea, colectarea de date geospațiale și dezvoltarea competențelor TIC ale elevilor prin introducerea acestor informații într-o bază de date digitală.
Elevii Școlii Gimnaziale Speciale – CRDEII, Cluj-Napoca, reprezintă grupul țintă, iar activitățile includ interacțiuni cu elevii, implementarea instrumentelor digitale, cursuri pentru cadrele didactice și conferințe de diseminare a rezultatelor.
Prin aceste inițiative, dorim să contribuim la crearea unui mediu educațional digital inovator și să stimulăm spiritul civic în rândul elevilor.
Parteneri : Fridaskolan i Göteborg, Göteborg, Sueda –coodonator parteneriat
2nd Gymnasium of Messini, Messini, Grecia
Pachtas Nikolaos k SIA OE, Salonic, Grecia
Areadne OE, Kalamata Grecia
Şcoala Gimnazială Specială – CRDEII, Cluj-Napoca, România
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2023
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
2. “Scoala care ne uneste – SOLUNIS” , 2020-RO01-KA102-079045
Descriere: 32 de elevi impartiti in doua grupe a cate 16, insotiti de cate 2 profesori au participat la stagii de practica in domeniul IT, intretinere device-uri, utilizare software-uri grafice la companii din Thessaloniki, timp de 14 zile. In paralel elevii au participat la activitati culturale, vizite la site-uri arheologice, muzee.
Parteneri: Partener organizatia IPODOMI, Thessaloniki, Grecia, Liceul Vissarion Titu, Romania
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2022
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
3. Studiază și Practică-POCU/626/6/13/132778
Descriere: Proiectul „ STUDIAZĂ ȘI PRACTICĂ ” – ID 132778 vizeaza imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale si cresterea ratei angajabilitatii a 285 studenti ai Universitatii „Babes-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca (UBB) – FSEGA- cu 9 specializari (licenta, an terminali si master anul 1 si 2), prin participarea la activitati integrate de pregatire practica, consiliere si orientare in cariera, actiuni de inovare sociala in comunitate si concursuri profesionale.
Astfel se raspude prioritatilor Strategiei Europa 2020 si Initiativei emblematice a CE, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC şi domeniile de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI.
Prin crearea conditiilor necesare unei ocupari depline, proiectul este in concordanta cu Strategia EFP 2016-2020 care are ca obiectiv general dezvoltarea unui sistem de educatie si formare profesionala adaptat cerintelor pietei muncii.
Perioada de desfasurare: 2016-2020
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
4. Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding
Descriere: The Erasmus Mundus Master in Plant Breeding (emPLANT+) is a two-year training of excellence offered by a consortium of 6 leading European universities: Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (France), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), Szent Istvan University (Hungary), Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Austria) and Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain).The objective of emPLANT+ is to remedy to the lack of qualified highly skilled plant breeders on Master level with a training programme that combines science (biotechnologies, genetic, breeding, crop science, seed production, bioinformatics, big data), seed supply chain, project management, law (intellectual property rights), cross-cultural competence and language skills. The academic curriculum has been designed in close collaboration with industry/companies, professional associations and research centers. emPLANT+ offers 9 study tracks in the field of plant breeding which are oriented fundamental research, applied research or seed business research, to prepare the graduates for a seamless integration in the labor market. During their studies, students will have joint courses on bioinformatics, big data and intellectual property rights in addition to numerous joint experiences such as an integration week, a summer field camp and diploma ceremony.emPLANT+ applies innovative teaching techniques such as a 3-semester case-study, webinars and online courses and offers the opportunity to write a Master thesis as a collaborative project with associated partner institutions. The numerous associated partners of emPLANT+ will contribute with guest lecturers, internships placements, collaborative project opportunities and advice to the Master program.
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2026
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
5. Digital Literacy in 6 Steps
Descriere: The 21st century can be considered the information era but it is not easy to skim communication. With this project our aim was to allow our students a better and more skilled knowledge of digital literacy, preparing them to become information-literate, especially avoiding the spreading of malinformation, misinformation, disinformation while using literacy to improve society through critical thinking.
The general objective of the project “Digital Literacy in 6 Steps” was using modern technology for both formal and informal education methodology. The biggest challenge for the six European high schools involved in this project has firstly been the creation of a motivational school environment for almost 180 students and 20 teachers coming from: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. After March 2019, and the spread of Covid-19, that was the biggest challenge for our project.
The main objectives of the project have been:
- – Give the necessary tools to evaluate Media Literacy news and viewpoints
- – Strengthen e-safety concept to the target group
- – Improve digital learning by using flipped classrooms and collaborative tools
- – Learning to build realistic and critical profiles on Social Media
- – Develop the ability to recognize fake news
- – Promote and disseminate the importance of copyright on socials
- – Increase communication skills in English
- – Introduce and implement the eTwinning in the target group.
The project educational design was based on six modules providing authentic contents: case studies, simulations and workshops. The activities have supported students to communicate their ideas through gamification, creative media, laboratories, and online polls.
Planned Activities and Mobilities : apart from C1 which was a short-term joint staff training event, all the other mobilities were short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
The project methodology has boosted communication and collaboration between learners and teachers, with forums and creative laboratories, it has provided opportunities for active learning, with flipped classrooms and practical competences
Parteneri: Agrupamento de Escolas de Penacova 🇵🇹 Portugal, EKPEDEFTIRIA VASSILIADI 🇬🇷 Greece, IES DIEGO DE SILOÉ 🇪🇸 Spain, Siauliu “Romuvos” gimnazija 🇱🇹 Lithuania, Staroprestolna profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika 🇧🇬 Bulgaria
Perioada de desfasurare: 2019-2021
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
6. Cre@t1ve Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation.
Descriere: “Creative Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation” has been an Erasmus+ KA229 strategic partnership aiming at innovation through the exchange of good practices. The project lasted three years (2019-22) and comprised 6 schools from Greece/Coordinating School, Italy (2 schools), Malta, Portugal, and Poland as well as a serious number of pupils aged 15-18.
I.The project’s context:
was to introduce into the partner schools’ culture and beyond, the skills of a special perspective & technique for addressing tensions & conflicts among the pupils and their surroundings, the School Mediation peer-to-peer: pupils were trained by experts, accredited mediators, trained teachers, psychologists, so that they obtained mediation skills and became capable to use the mediation toolkit in practice.
The project’s objectives for students and teachers were the following:1)to learn how to face tensions & conflicts in school & in their entire life,2)to enhance analytical and creative conflict resolution skills and techniques,3)to trust themselves and their peers,4)to learn and get ready to use the mediation toolkit in practice,5)to feel respectful, safe,and responsible in their school community and beyond,6)to feel & to become accepted & included,7)to become active & responsible citizens,8)Schools to grow and thrive and get prepared for the worldwide challenges.
II.The activities that have taken place can be listed on two factors:
1. Activities at the local level: Local-level activities during the project’s starting period were based on partners’ training by experts so that afterward they would be able to train their colleagues and students. A lot of hours were spent in all schools for the training sessions. The first training session took place at the 1st Joint Staff Training Event and then accordingly proceeded to all Joint Staff Training Events. The Method followed was Seminars by Experts, Workshops, evaluation.All partner schools organized and set up training sessions for both teachers and students and established school mediation groups.
2. Activities at the international level: International/EU level activities were focused on a) the live mobilities/physically, b) the virtual mobilities/online, c) the online activities, d) the students’ & teachers’ communication & collaboration by the team building experiential method, e) the job shadowing, f) the mentoring, g) the monitoring, h) the dissemination, i) the project’s impact & sustainability.
Parteneri: Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. João Araújo Correia 🇵🇹 Portugal, I.I.S. “P. SRAFFA” 🇮🇹 Italy
Newark School 🇲🇹 Malta, VI Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Krola Zygmunta Augusta w, Bialymstoku 🇵🇱 Poland
Perioada de desfasurare: 2019-2021
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
7. Babel Tour
Descriere: “Babel Tour” is a project that involved 5 schools in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France. The project started from the discovery of our roots through the enhancement and promotion of the artistic and cultural heritage of our cities. With the aim of stimulating entrepreneurial spirit, the identity of the past has become an opportunity to discover the personal attitudes of students for the construction of the citizens of tomorrow from a European point of view. Students were supported with the right skills and knowledge to create a European travel agency with a focus on cultural tourism for schools, including environmental aspects to promote sustainable tourism. Every country has been partner and tour operator of a virtual travel agency. The project involved about 150 students (16 to 19 years old), 60 teachers who participated directly in the mobilities and other teachers who participated on site and in the virtual exchanges of the etwinning project. During the Learning Teaching Training Activities, 1 staff training, 5 short-term exchanges of pupil groups and 10 long-term mobilities took place. In order to achieve the project objectives, students were involved in many activities: after a first theoretical preparatory training through CLIL lessons, the activities carried out were ‘The ideal customer’, the ‘Business Plan’, Communication and promotion. The functional activities that supported the core of the project were developed through the use of ITC: the creation of a project logo, the planning of tourist routes, the creation of a tourist guide with multimedia applications; the promotion of marketing and advertising activities to “sell” the final products; the creation of e-brochures and e-books for the promotion of tourist itineraries using digital tools learned, twinspace project etwinning. The methodology used was intended to promote learning from real and contextualized problems. It was a work-based approach aimed at teaching and learning entrepreneurship according to laboratory practice, role-playing and cooperation activities for students.
Parteneri: Gesamtschule Weierheide 🇩🇪 Germany, Harjavallan lukio 🇫🇮 Finland, IES Luis Vives 🇪🇸 Spain, LYCEE CONDORCET 🇫🇷 France, Raayland College 🇳🇱 Netherlands
Perioada de desfasurare: 2019-2021
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
8. Day 1 in Europe
Descriere: Communication in the mother tongue” is one of the European Union’s key competences for lifelong learning. The migratory crisis in Europe is bringing new pupils into schools, particularly allophone children, who do not speak the language of their teachers. Teachers find themselves at a loss to deal with this situation, due to a lack of training, translation skills and knowledge of migratory movements. Thanks to research into multilingualism, we know how important it is not to create a linguistic break in a migratory journey, in order to facilitate inclusion and successful learning.There are a number of tools and games designed to facilitate the arrival of allophone children in their new class. Few advocate promoting their mother tongue, which is often the subject of glottophobia. Those that do can have a stigmatising effect: creating a feeling of difference by caricaturing these children’s “cultural identity”. As the best researchers on plurilingualism have pointed out, these children need to disappear into the group in order to integrate better.
Parteneri: Ecole élémentaire Ferdinand Buisson 🇫🇷 France, Ecole Fondamentale de l’Athénée Royal Bruxelles 2 🇧🇪 Belgium, Istituto Comprensivo Palmanova 🇮🇹 Italy, MOMENTUM MARKETING SERVICES LIMITED 🇮🇪 Ireland, Synkoino Coop 🇬🇷 Greece
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2023
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
9. SpeakER
Descriere: This project focuses on further strengthening key competences in language acquisition, focusing on the use of new methods and technologies to support learning thanks to using and creating escape games. In addition to basic skills in reading, maths and science, the ability of citizens to communicate in at least two languages besides their mother tongue has been identified as a key priority in the EU cooperation in the « Education & Training 2020 » framework. To achieve this goal, the European Commission adopted in 2008 the Communication ‘Multilingualism: an asset for Europe and a shared commitment’ (COM(2008) 566 final), which was followed by a Council Resolution on a European strategy for multilingualism (2008/C 320/01). The ability to speak foreign languages promotes the intercultural dialogue in Europe, improves employability and facilitates the free movement of workers across the EU. For all these reasons, the partners gathered to develop an engaging and inclusive foreign language teaching practice for both teachers and learners.
Parteneri: Babel Idioma y Cultura S.L. 🇪🇸 Spain, Colegiul National “Doamna Stanca” 🇷🇴 Romania, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Macedonia 🇬🇷 Greece, SCS LogoPsyCom 🇧🇪 Belgium, Srednja skola za informacione tehnologije 🇷🇸 Serbia
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2022
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
10. I will survive!
Descriere: Working with students with developmental disabilities, as well as regular school students, we have noticed that they do not cope well in extraordinary dangerous situations. In order to prevent unwanted consequences, we wanted to design an optional subject that would be offered to students at school and that would help them prepare for situations they might find themselves in during their lives, which are a potential threat to their life and health. Therefore, we decided to gather partners with relevant knowledge from different fields, write a curriculum, syllabus, manual, create open educational content related to the curriculum, prepare teaching materials to help teachers in implementation, and evaluate the program with students on a short evaluation mobility.
Parteneri : Alternative Learning Programme 🇲🇹 Malta, ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE COMMUNIA 🇮🇹 Italy, Colegiul National Dragos Voda 🇷🇴 Romania, Iskenderun Namik Kemal Orta Okulu 🇹🇷 Türkiye, Lietuvos skautijos padalinio Panevėžio kraštas 🇱🇹 Lithuania
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2023
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
11. Awareness and Preventions Skills on Cyberbullying and Online Hate Speech for shools children
Descriere : The access to the media, news and internet is worldwide and thus informational societies of nowadays brings great potential as well as threats. The right to freedom of expression is one of the main pillars of the democratic society we are living in. The target groups of hate speech are different, but usually are built upon their “differentiation”. Thus to focus on professionals who are working with schools pupils is in the center of this project. With the rapid development of the internet and information technologies, internet use by adolescents has risen. There is an urge need to support teachers, social workers, schools nurses working with pupils affected by cyberbullying in worked-based learning about media literacy and impact of hate speech to the real life of children, ensuring the link between education and real life. The stronger the link, the easier is possibility to combat the negative effect of hate speech and bullying in case of children, as well as in own case of each person. Building this knowledge is necessary to bring adequate competencies to the teachers, and contribute to raising. The main needs was to increase awareness about cyberbullying and hate speech in internet among school pupil.
Parteneri : ASOCIACIJA KURYBINES ATEITIES IDEJOS 🇱🇹 Lithuania ASOCIATIA DEMETRIUS 🇷🇴 Romania, INERCIA DIGITAL SL 🇪🇸 Spain, Ozel Adalya Fen Lisesi 🇹🇷 Türkiye
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2022
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
12. Digital Literacy in 6 Steps
Descriere: The 21st century can be considered the information era but it is not easy to skim communication. With this project our aim was to allow our students a better and more skilled knowledge of digital literacy, preparing them to become information-literate, especially avoiding the spreading of malinformation, misinformation, disinformation while using literacy to improve society through critical thinking.
The general objective of the project “Digital Literacy in 6 Steps” was using modern technology for both formal and informal education methodology. The biggest challenge for the six European high schools involved in this project has firstly been the creation of a motivational school environment for almost 180 students and 20 teachers coming from: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. After March 2019, and the spread of Covid-19, that was the biggest challenge for our project.
The main objectives of the project have been:
- – Give the necessary tools to evaluate Media Literacy news and viewpoints
- – Strengthen e-safety concept to the target group
- – Improve digital learning by using flipped classrooms and collaborative tools
- – Learning to build realistic and critical profiles on Social Media
- – Develop the ability to recognize fake news
- – Promote and disseminate the importance of copyright on socials
- – Increase communication skills in English
- – Introduce and implement the eTwinning in the target group.
The project educational design was based on six modules providing authentic contents: case studies, simulations and workshops. The activities have supported students to communicate their ideas through gamification, creative media, laboratories, and online polls.
Planned Activities and Mobilities : apart from C1 which was a short-term joint staff training event, all the other mobilities were short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
- C1. Social Media Literacy – managing your online presence. It was held in Italy.
- C2. ICT Literacy – learning through blogs, social networking, online educational communities in Greece.
- C3. Online Learning and Team-working – collaborating in flipped classrooms in Bulgaria.
- C4. E-safety protecting users against dangerous online activities in Lithuania, to C4, in presence, it was also created C8, a virtual mobility, because the Italian team, due to national Covid restrictions, wasn’t able to join the group in Lithuania.
- C5. Media Literacy – improving knowledge about copyright and responsibilities in Spain
- C6. Information Literacy – combining information from multiple source, to evaluate information in Portugal
- C7. Close-up meeting in Italy. This gathering wanted to sum-up the whole project.
The project methodology has boosted communication and collaboration between learners and teachers, with forums and creative laboratories, it has provided opportunities for active learning, with flipped classrooms and practical competences
Parteneri: Agrupamento de Escolas de Penacova 🇵🇹 Portugal, EKPEDEFTIRIA VASSILIADI 🇬🇷 Greece, IES DIEGO DE SILOÉ 🇪🇸 Spain, Siauliu “Romuvos” gimnazija 🇱🇹 Lithuania, Staroprestolna profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika 🇧🇬 Bulgaria
Perioada de desfasurare: 2019-2021
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
13. Open up
Descriere: In line with the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, European mainstream schools and youth organisations are facing the challenge to include an increasing number of children and teenagers with disabilities. However, educational systems offer only locally bound support to youths with sensory disorders. Special education teachers exist but many ‘regular teachers’ working in mainstream schools are not sufficiently trained for supporting pupils with sensory disorders, nor ready to facilitate their integration. Similarly, youth workers working in mainstream youth organisations face the same challenges.
The partnership consisted of a balanced geographical representation of different types of organisations that cover the complementary expertise needed for this project. It included 4 Health & social care organisations specialised in sensory disorders, 1 VET organisation and 1 SME specialized in web design. Our choice was to focus on visual and hearing impairments, which include many types of impairments. It was motivated by the conviction that this project format allowed us to produce new tools that cover these two fields of disability relatively well, without claiming to provide all the answers.
Parteneri: Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Verdiblanca 🇪🇸 Spain, HRVATSKI SAVEZ GLUHIH I NAGLUHIH 🇭🇷 Croatia, INNOVADE LI LTD 🇨🇾 Cyprus, Innovation Training Center, S.L. 🇪🇸 Spain, Ouvrir Les Yeux 🇫🇷 France
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2023
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare:
14. CLImate Change educational Kit for pedagogic innovation in SecONdary schools
Descriere: The last ten years are notable through the advent of civilians’ rallying regarding climate issues. The youngest have been particularly involved through climate marches. The Clicks on project has been developed to satisfy the last generations’ growing interest, focusing on secondary schools. Its aim was to provide teachers and their students with the useful tools and knowledge to be able to tackle the GHG issue in their own school. The youngest could thus benefit from the challenging Clicks on project to support their committed actions.
Parteneri: AMICUCCI FORMAZIONE SRL 🇮🇹 Italy, Avenir Climatique 🇫🇷 France, Colegio Jesuitinas Maria Reina 🇪🇸 Spain, DESIGN FOR CHANGE ESPANA 🇪🇸 Spain, UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE 🇮🇹 Italy
Perioada de desfasurare: 2020-2023
Mai multe informatii pentru aplicare: